Moorestown High School

  1. Address

    350 Bridgeboro Road
    Moorestown, NJ 08057

    Sub Locations

    1. (Isenburg Gym) Basketball Court
    2. Turf Field (Near)
    3. Turf Field (Middle)
    4. Turf Field (Far)
    5. (Isenburg Gym) Volleyball Court
    6. M.A.C. - Front Court Enter through the same doors from the outside that you'd use to get to the Isenburg Gym, but turn left instead.
    7. M.A.C. - Back Court Enter through the same doors from the outside that you'd use to get to the Isenburg Gym, but turn left instead.
    8. Turf Field (Left)
    9. Turf Field (Right)
    10. Soccer (Bridgeboro Field 3) The Bridgeboro Fields are located at the Corner of Bridgeboro Rd and Westfield Road. Players may park in the HS parking lot and walk over, or park on the Grass on Bridgeboro Road
    11. Soccer (Bridgeboro Field 4) The Bridgeboro Fields are located at the Corner of Bridgeboro Rd and Westfield Road. Players may park in the HS parking lot and walk over, or park on the Grass on Bridgeboro Road

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